Sunday, October 11, 2009

Shout out to my peeps in CALI

Sam and I had Henna tattoos done, so pretty.

We lucked out and happened to go Singapore during the Light Festival in Little India, so it was crazy.  So many shops in the market.  They had tons of stuff and I lost control, but don't worry, they were mainly gifts for you guys ;)


  1. Carly,
    Sounds like Singapore is lots of fun, so enjoy and shop! Love & miss you, Aunt Karen

  2. I was just about to leave u a "your lazy for not posting comment"...but you rose to the occasion as usual : )

    You look fab! Can't wait to the girls!!!
    Christmas is just around the we need to start looking for airfare to get you back here?

    Your peeps in Cali...

    P.s. Can you give your friend that was with us the last night you were in Malibu my email:

    Our new website is launching and I want her to have the info.


  3. OMG th@t store looks @m@zing...i just w@nt to l@y on the ground @nd st@re up @t it h@h@
